

In my Life, You Must Come First
Lord, I sometimes wake up lost,
As well as fearful and confused.
Then I hear Your voice remind me
That my peace begins with You.
Too many days are filled with fear
Because they don't begin with you.
But, when I get caught by the devil,
I can count on You for rescue.

I said yes to making You my Lord and Savior
Knowing I'd be yours beyond this life.
For I knew our vows were as binding
As a grooms are to his bride.
But despite what I promised,
It was hard to change the way I live.
Knowing You could not forsake me,
For it's who You are to forgive.

But when I tried to close my heart to You,
Or when I tried to take back control,
You bypassed my mind and heart
And spoke directly to my soul.
Gently, You consoled me,
Reminded me whose child I am,
The beloved of the same sovereign God
Who sent the Lion and the Lamb.

Now my whole life is born a new
As I've come to understand
Not only do You love me,
But You're my biggest fan.
I cannot explain the honor
Of being included in Your plan
Nor how my heart swells with gratitude,
To know who and whose I am.

Please tattoo it on my heart, Lord,
That in my life You must come first.
Helping me to remember God,
That as Your child,
I have inherent worth.
© Linda Troxell

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