

Nothing to fear

In the tapestry of life, her life laid.
Nothing to be felt, she got broken thousands of times.
Trust broken,
Emotions blocked,
Trying to survive from the predators, called humans.
But all she ever needed was just some one to love her.
Everyday pains,
Everyday doubts,
She couldn't feel her self anymore.
For she has become numb,
Numb to all emotions.
Oh how I wish she knew,
Someone in the dark wishes to be in her broken life,
To make it whole again.
Little did she know, the love she ever needed in her life, that person in the dark, wants to give it to her.

But those vigorous humans has turned her into a shadow of herself that she no longer knows what's right any longer.

Her sanity lost,
Her pains has become numb,
She's into the nothingness.
Feeling the emptiness.

She gradually, got used to everything.
Her demons became her best friend.
Darkness became her best companion.

Now even in the dark she fears nothing, for darkness has merged with her soul.
© kaya N

#kayaN #pain #brokentrust