

To Save All We Can
God, dare I go to harm?
Still, I yearn to go
To spread your word
To spread good news

In a country not mine

God, I take my family there
Sharing this call
Dare we go together?
Dare I go alone?

I look to her for a sign

God, am I strong enough?
Did I hear you clear?
I am scared to go
I am scared to not

I barely know their tongue

God, will you be there?
Oh God, please be there
Faith push me forward
Faith restore my resolve

My family is still so young

God, give me the words
Humbly I seek help
Does this armor fit?
Does this mission end?

I am so full of doubt

God, are they hungry?
Will they drink you in?
Can I reach them?
Can I save then?

In this land of drought

God, I am scared!
God, speak to me!
Will I feel you?
Will you hold me?

In this godless land

God, we are ready to go
We go to serve you
Not to doubt you
But to share you

To save all we can