

Remark memories
Remarkable was the day of your birth,
A symphony of life, a miracle's mirth.
In innocence wrapped, a gift from above,
A story unfolding, an embodiment of love.

Remarkable was your childhood,
Days of laughter, adventures in the wood.
With each passing year, you began to grow,
A garden of memories, in your heart, to sow.

And the years that followed too soon,
Like chapters turned beneath the moon.
Triumphs and trials, joy and strife,
A tapestry woven, the fabric of life.

Remember your journey one last time,
Trace the footsteps, every mountain you climb.
Cherish the echoes of laughter and tears,
A mosaic of moments, through the passing years.

Before you close your eyes,
Reflect on the sunsets, painted skies.
The friendships forged, the lessons learned,
In the tapestry of life, every page turned.

For in each remarkable moment, you'll find,
The essence of a life, uniquely designed.
As you bid farewell to the day's last light,
May your dreams be gentle throughout the night.
© Alpha Virtuous V