

who am I?
Who am I?
Aside my numerous achievements
Beneath the confident aura I radiate frequently
To hide my insecurities
Behind the thick mask I wear to cover up reality
Underneath the smile permanently plastered on my face
To hide midnight cries

I am whoever you want me to be
Changing my personality like a chameleon changes colour
Dancing to whatever beat you drum
Humming to whatever tone you command
Laughing not because I want to, but at your request
Going with your flow and not mine

Speaking but not my words
Actions have been scripted from beginning to the end
A mask that portrays any expression but mine
A coin has two sides, a die has six sides
I have twenty four sides for every hour of your day
With room for extra if need be,
It is you before me because who I am
Is whatever you want me to be
Therefore I am your desire
