

grey dreams post covid-19
Life did again begin from a still end, again.
Nebulous void, past few months had been.
Buses, no. Trains, no. Metros, no— cities and locomotives. All of it now runs, vindictively.
The city again races its breath.

Amidst the bustle of footsteps at the metro station, a girl poises herself at the end of the cold, steel bench to wait to board another electric train.

The digital display displays the approximate time—left for the time to arrive, or starting for the commuter to await. It is moot—is 15 minutes.

The last stop of the train is Noida Botanical City. Her stop is the last stop. She will wait the longest wait to get back in a known place.

She sits still slightly dazed. Unable to differentiate whether it is work, relationships, family, something else, or a sad potpourri of everything. Or is it only the dead dog on the road.

Straying in her thoughts, she misses the screeching brakes of the conveyance and the unbraked scrambling of the white/blue/brown/black/no-collared hustlers. The electric train plys them all. The train takes off.

She looks up at the digital display, the digital display displays the approximate time is 15 minutes.