

Never letting you go was the plan
There was a promise at heart,
A steady in mind,
A sureness about you,
A standard you upheld,
A strength you gave me to love.

There was love that danced with happiness,
A friend that laughs out loud,
A feeling of stay in heart,
A fondness of memories,
A fight to see who kisses more.

There was a plan that supercede eternity,
A hope never blistering,
A hand you stretched out to me,
A hair you lingered on my chest,
A house you built on trust.

And then there was a hell hound you released,
A sin you let in,
A stain that we couldnt fend off,
A sadness we let stayed in for long,
A split second mistake that ruined us.

Never letting you go was the plan,
And I failed,
I'm sorry.
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