

Haunted by you
In the depths of sorrow's grasp I dwell,

Haunted by your memory, a painful spell,

Lonely nights, relentless in their sway,

Thoughts of you, a constant, unwelcome fray.

Every waking moment, you consume my mind,

A bittersweet torment that's unkind,

Memories of our love, like shards of glass,

Cutting deep, leaving scars that forever last.

The shadows grow longer with each passing day,

As I yearn for your presence, so far away,

My heart aches, dreaming of your touch,

But you're gone, leaving me in this desolate clutch.

Cautionary whispers echo in my ear,

Reminding me that clinging to you is sheer,

For all-consuming love can bring pain untold,

Left shattered and broken when love grows cold.

So I tread lightly through these dreaded days,

Knowing that my heart must find new ways,

To heal and mend from this lingering plight,

To find solace in myself, out of your sight.

© Brandi Leigh