

Hello Bro...
Hello bro, say me well to dad
Tell him I lost his number after years of no communication
Tell him I called severally but it never went through
Tell him I waited to hear from him, but he never called back
Tell him I prayed to see him again, but he never showed up
Tell him I needed his advice on a few things, but he wasn't there to give.

Hello bro, how about you?
It's been six months now without a word from you
Dropped a few messages, but you never replied
Paid a visit to your home, but you were no where around
I listened to your voice notes with smiles. Not of joy, but of pain
I heard your voice say Ugo Ugo, only you called me that

Hello bro, how are doing over there?
They said you're gone, but you're still much alive in my head
I thought it was one of those times you went for long without a word
But now, it's been six months, it didn't always take that long
Since it's your birthday with no means to reach you
I thought to drop you a note and I hope you get to read this.
But most importantly, I hope you're good and that they treat you right over there.

Love, Ugo Ugo
© Obigwe Elizabeth

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