

The sound of the stadium's roar,
Resonates with every four,
Down the pitch,
Over the arm,
Cricket has its own charm.

Sitting in the middle ,
Peeping the heroes of the ground.
There is war going inside them,
what if they lose match.
But hiding there emotions ,
adorn themselves with confidence,
spreading positivity around.

It's not less then a war,
it's the tough time they are going through.
But cheers giving them a cool breath,
Giving them hope that they can.

What happen if they lose,
Have to tolerate to much of frustration and ignorance,
Inspite of knowing all this they have a smile on their face,
Lifting themselves to win the match.

Sixes and foures enlighten the surrounding,
Boosting their confidence that there is a chance.
Trying their hard to win the match ,
Wetted with the sweat,
But at last win the match.