

Together Forever
Two lovers who promise never to leave each other,
A sequel they might gather, while rain scatters,
But lately, it's been one woe after another, years they suffer.

The power of their words she did not know,
He knew about dreams coming true, but not her,
Many signs missed as she learned without guidance.

She thought she was wise, she thought she learned,
To the island she returned to find she was still lost,
Desperately wanting to be found she again saw the wrong things.

Day by day more frustration thrown her way,
How could she heal with the negativity all around her,
A habit, she ran, but this time not to return alone.

She had to go, she needed quiet, peace and understanding,
Something only her father's side would appteciate,
Especially staying where there's an unconventional view.

Reading, web surfing, writing, habit forming good,
In the moment, meditation, self-centered is what she learned,
Everyday gaining back her intuition and trust in herself.

She's on the brink, on the cusp, she can tell,
She's more relaxed, focusing more on herself,
Never going to let anyone make her feel guilty or ashamed.

She knows she is the melody, he is the harmony,
A symphony of souls that once combined can't be divide,
The solution is simply, easily solved by just
living together in love.
© loveunboxed