

**Is Life Worth Living?**
Is life worth living? We ponder deep,
Through trials faced, through dreams we keep.
In moments dark, in shadows cast,
In future hopes, in echoes past.

In dawn’s soft glow, in night’s embrace,
In fleeting time, in endless space.
In laughter bright, in tear-streaked eyes,
In whispered truths, in heartfelt lies.

In love that lifts, in hands that hold,
In stories new, in tales of old.
In paths we tread, in roads unknown,
In seeds of doubt, in faith we’ve grown.

In sunlit days, in storm-filled skies,
In every loss, in each surprise.
In breaths we take, in hearts that beat,
In every challenge we dare to meet.

For every joy that lights our way,
For every night that turns to day.
For every heart that dares to give,
In all these things, we choose to live.

Is life worth living? Look and see,
In all we are, in what we’ll be.
In every moment, strong and true,
Life’s worth is found in me and you.
© faintest_pen