

SOme people are Literally making me so fucking annoying and that's what they can be. For the poor life they live I feel miserable pity for these so-called people.
I wonder if they are living a perfect life, because they keep knocking Minding my business the day I shut myself.
To speak the truth I'm brutally unapologetically for the inappropriate Words, I'm using.
Don't take such a quick decision to look down on me, you never reach to know the story my family has been going through.

Being Late doesn't mean I can't achieve anything now, don't judge based on my lateness, because everyone has their own timing.
The line I say wear this so tight, hope you remember forever,
" Some people bloom early, some people bloom late", Stop comparing other successful lives with my quiet life just because they earn at an early age, but some people are out of knowledge. They will keep throwing away unwanted feelings, until I rise. I just want to say that you should improve your life rather than defining others by your judgemental thoughts. because I see you, you don't live a perfect life so I don't owe you and I don't need to listen to your opinion. I hope you won't regret when my time shines just because you look down on me today.

Taking quick Decision and rushing in life it won't make me successful immediately, maybe this people have no clue "good thing take time" and I'm Ok living my life even I earn nothing today because I trust myself and my action, if not now then someday is definitely I will reach the star. For that I don't owe an explanation.
If you don't understand other problems then don't expect me to understand you,

Why don't they mind their own business?
I don't need to be like someone else and stop pushing me to the road which is taken by everybody. I know the road I'm walking, stop telling me to be like everybody, you can be like them and that's what I can expect but don't tell me.
If you are too shy to call me, just because I have nothing today , then just ignore me mercilessly. I didn't invite you to give your opinion on my life. you can cut the knot without second thought I have already handed you a scissor because no matter how much I pushes away from bitter people, no matter how much I try to make a distance I have no clue honestly I have no clue from no where this so called people would reaches me with no warning to throw me anxiety, like say if you can't Inspired me I just want you to shut your fucking mouth.

Welcome to the world of literature. You will learn a very good lesson here because your half knowledge is dangerous and it's polluting society.

© Sarita jeinao