

Something in me aligns
And suddenly I’m running by the mile

I’m writing poems everyday
And pushing sugar out of the way

I clean my room to perfection
I go through with becoming empty

I send messages to friends
And do my homework that’s piled now and then

I feel a spark in me flicker to life
Keeping me awake and busy through the night

But winds don’t reserve for past days
They forever blow though future waves

So what little flame that’s burned
Is stomped down into the Earth

I keep my lazy butt on the couch
And run out of things to write about

I eat icecream by the pint
And my room looks like a pigs sty

I binge until I need to barf
I cut off friends til they ask what’s wrong

I fail my classes because why try?
The only thing that’s left for me is to die

But, if I wait it out I’ll see
A light through the horizon coming back for me

I love feeling accomplished but it’s so much work
Put those thoughts away because it’s only you it hurts

Be motivated, because even though it’s hard
Tying your shoe at the start line doesn’t get you very far