

the rain is pouring
the rain pours steadily against the pavement as I stare outwards to my window after our disagreement
the phone
the phone in my hand dials your number out of overwhelming discontent inability to figure out where we stood and weakness regarding how much you meant
just silence just silence just silence as I cried
carry something wasn't getting me through the day because everything around me became so threatening and when I seen you start to act strange that was the ultimate threat and then when the next day had arrived the threat was no longer a threat to threat became my reality in my reality was attacking me from every angle and I didn't know what to do or where to go and I didn't know who to trust because it seemed like someone had been controlling you which therefore had control over my future
my mind will never be the same all due to your guyses game
my heart will never love the same again all because of your game
my emotions are conflicted I deal with lots of anger I'm trying to live with it feelings of worthlessness as I try to understand I realize I cannot I've worked really hard so hard and so I say this I cannot understand my past in the past two and a half years and I have suffered severely mentally I appreciate when you say that I'm not giving myself enough credit but you need to understand that I'm trying to tell you where I am because only I would know I know what I can handle I know what I cannot handle for you to try to choose that for me was the wrong choice for you to choose because it wasn't your choice to make it was two choices to be made and agreed upon upon the mentioning of such and for me to put that aside and make your future Days brighter I wish not for you to try to cooperate with society and dictate my path and dictate what I can and cannot handle but it's never enough they always want more more than I can expel
© hailtheesavage