

In the beginning I thought you were a lie
But love you sought me out
I thought you not exist
I thought you crazy
As a fantasy
But then you embraced me
And that my friends is my history
Love is true
To this very day too
Loved I fought love
How dare I to shove
Your abundance to the the grave
But that I did as I saw you part the black skies
In my eyes
Tears carved eternal eyes
She cried
For love has tried
Me out again
And it is true
I thought love to be all a shame
But love was not to blame
For shame was not Thine
For your care
Did shine
And my heart and soul is surely a rhyme
For love is to gain
For come to me and I will shallow your waters
With twinkling showers
That borrows loves arms
And opens the blue seas
And black skies
In oh so kind loves eyes
For love is the gift of a child
Beautiful smile
That brightness up another mile
Shall you cry for a while
Let love embrace you on speed dial
For love was in her eyes
Though the cries seemed many
love was and is so lovely
Although it seems kinda funny
Love sensationally
Never yet frightfully
Eternally turns the seas into a gold and pink sunshine
Bliss is mine
Love take me aback to the first day I met you
Beautiful smiles
I walk again a thousand miles
To me love in arms
Again as love returns
To me oh oh oh to me.