

Overcome Tide
Ride forth against the tide,
Rise above the surf of challenges,
Welcome every sunrise with a vision,
Send off every sunset with hope and light.

Troubles have never killed anyone,
They only make us stronger,
Learn we must to never give up,
Even if life's journey may have obstacles.

The Lord above has sent us all with a purpose so deep,
Brave enough we must be and not let the dark shadows engulf us,
Life has at times shades of grey,
We need not worry, with faith all will be overcome.

We must all have a vision so clear,
We need to do our very best,
Its then that we can peacefully lay at God's feet,
And look at him smile back in satisfaction.

We will then forever be content,
When we are not afraid of the troubles,
We can easily blow them away,
Inner strength we all do have, we just need to find it, cherish it, let it remain.

© Maja Malhotra