

Look around if you have eyes
Can you see:
The creation,the
Colour,the graphics,
The elements?

Listen if you have ears
Can you hear:
The sound,
The movements?

Can you feel the mood
Created by what you see and hear?

That's art
Life itself

A gift from God,
A daily activity we cannot be
Separated from,
A social bond with the diverse ,
Art is where stories untold
Are told
Through painters, architects, dancers
Singers, writers, artists
It's where weapons to address
Life issues
Harbored in silence,lie.

Art has power to create different mood,
Art is a gift gifted to all,
It's beauty expressed,
The quality and imagination
All speaks to our emotions
With its power to excite ,
To change the heart rate,
To give courage,
Or to make you cry.

Art is a way of living
It's who we are.
© Natasha14