

A golden opportunity to rise in life,
One needs the right choice to exercise.
It’s not that tough, not rough stuff,
It’s pure love: a journey from outside to inside.

They say Education is the mother of all,
A strong wall, never letting you fall.
From formal to informal, it spans them all,
Through it, one can see the world as a whole.

From elementary bubbles to space shuttles,
Language hurdles to complex math puzzles,
Playing with squirrels to valiant Admirals,
Education leads you towards miracles.

My friend don't buckle up to material stuff,
Never get bluffed , even when life becomes tough .
To Understand  the unseen machine, 
Behind it all, it's your mind that's keen.
 Stay in meditation, with dedication,
Because Inner education is your destination .
That's the culmination of soul's excavation.
A path leading to inner realisation,
Guiding you to your true destination.
© Alphaclimber01