

The Us That Used To Be
I miss the love we used to have
The yesterdays of our past
I cry myself to sleep at night
You didn't say a word
Feeling so hopeless
Feeling so scared and longing to see you again
My sweetheart and baby, my love and best friend
How can you let me go like it's easy
Handing me my broken heart
Here it is shattered and torn
Bandaged up and bloody
Used up and well worn
I am not perfect and I never claimed to be
I've made my share of mistakes
But I love you with my heart and when it comes to love
Isn't that what it really takes?
I think back to when I first met you and when I first noticed your eyes
How blue and how I saw your soul inside
How your so full of love and caring but you always run off and hide
I can't say that I blame you
My love has it's consequences
I aint changed
But I know I aint the same
I can let it all go, but my heart it still tenses
I want it all & I don't want to be free
Your love and friendship is what I need
I want us to be as close as best friends can be
But how do I get to that place?
How do I make up for all the pain and mistakes?
It shatters my heart into pieces that you feel this way
That your ready to let it all go and be free again
But somethings you cannot change
I cannot make you understand where I am at in my head and heart
I will miss you like flowers miss the rains, every day I will remember you, remember us how it was before the pain set in, before the hiding, and how much we used to love one another.
If we could only swallow our pride and let each other see
How beautiful life could really truly be
Maybe one day we would wake in each other's arms smiling and in love again and as a family
Wouldn't that be amazing? Wouldn't that be great? Maybe that doesn't matter to you, maybe that's not what you want, but hopefully, you'll find your peace and happiness someday
Even if it's not with me and my family I wish you the best
I wish you peace, love, and all the happiness
I hope that you find her, your one and only love
Your best friend, the one you can't stop thinking of
My heart is breaking as I write this for you
My eyes fill with tears as you sleep next to me
I want to hold and kiss you but I cry myself to sleep
Four years gone now
Washed away like it was upon the shore
Out into the ocean
Never to be seen again
No more hopes and dreams
No more family and home
Nothing for us left
Our love became war
© Brandi Gumbert