

Then I See An Think
Once I thought I had you
in my corner
but it was the blues smacking me
in the face
of truth
you fell victim to
that place some others put you
You Forgot The voice of your protector
you Forgot about lovin'
Oh I look back at it now
And so much went wrong
people interfered
an then your life went wrong
just because they couldn't brake you
Oh and false friends creeped in the shadows like they was waiting for
so miserable to walk up to your door.
But I can instead and found you lying in your sorrows like not tomorrow
oh this was bad
But as many say I got the gift
to change this
so I raise my hands to the most high
and he cracks the sky
to drop you back into you
after they steal you out your body
Yes everyday I hear you and see you
but you are just in my mind half time
Then I turn to where you used to lay
and I see now an empty place
So what came out of the sky
it must have been an angel
flying in your old place
oh goodbye baby!
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