

School Days...
Walking down the lane of memories 
Covering about hundred thousand miles 
I stood with a head bowed in devotion 
At the doorstep of my lovely school ;
A little heaven that gave wings
To my life's biggest aspirations. 

From that first day of shedding countless tears
To this last moment of laughter and fights 
My life revolved for fourteen long years 
Around this beautiful earthly planet-school.

The fact of separation brought tears and pain
To the hearts tied in everlasting friendship and love 
Difficult it seemed so to erase those days 
Of countless jokes and unlimited fun.

Tomorrow as I step into the youth from the 'teen',
When life's journey takes unexplored new paths
Never will I forget, never will I bid farewell 
To the school days still residing in my heart...

© Jyothis