Apostle Joshua Selman once said, "Every man born out of a woman must one day face Luke chapter 4." I knew definitely that day would surely come but it wasn't something I was currently looking out for. As trials and tribulations are piling the devil is dialing. Dialing for trial increase and I just have the fear of dying.
And at this point I ask myself if God is really working everything for my good. God always tells me through dreams and prophets to be careful of my friends, but yet still he leads me to the enemy's brook.
Trial after another and it keeps on getting worse without less. My worry is more and my sleep is less. "If more, less divides", but...
And at this point I ask myself if God is really working everything for my good. God always tells me through dreams and prophets to be careful of my friends, but yet still he leads me to the enemy's brook.
Trial after another and it keeps on getting worse without less. My worry is more and my sleep is less. "If more, less divides", but...