

forever and a day.
Each bloodstained tear that has fallen at the failed prospect
Of one last reconciled day with you
Crawls through my malignant skin
As the thought drowns me thoroughly through

I'd hope to find you when the leaves on the trees are orange and red
And the sky is golden at dusk
Where cool, crisp air fills us with the ability to forget
And forgiveness (and Jack) sit on the tips of our tongues

You'd probably pick up your old, acoustic guitar
And I'd light a Marlboro cigarette
We'd sing until those scars on our hearts
Fade into nothing, not even an ounce of regret

I wonder, often, if you'd be able to see
The hole that's been burned in my throat
Wondering still if this is all a dream
And the hope I fear I still hold

But your guitar grows dusty in its case
And I'm left to wonder if you would be proud
Of the way I've grown into my own mistakes
Or how I put those Marlboro's down

Though I know there is no turning back the clock
That the lights have forever faded on your stage
And no matter how much I wish to knock
On Heaven's gates for one last reconciled day

I have to trust
Trust that you're still with me

In the way that musty, old guitar still sings
As I dust it off and begin to play
And suddenly it's like you're beside me again


Forever and a Day

© krystlereisler