

"You lost the Moon
While counting the Stars
Beware and don't be rude
No one will come to heal your scars"

But I always loved the stars more
They never left me when I was alone
They live in my core
And them, I always adore.

The Moon left in the eclipse
But the stars never did
Even with no light of their own
They made me shine within my inner light.

They always shined bright
And gave me light
While I felt dim
And the moon wouldn't even have come for a dime

My life was in black and white
I was living like a mime
The stars always came and said
"The light isn't mine
But for you, we can search the whole mine
My star, you don't have to be in any line"
And hence, these are my 'lifeline'.

By their fake lights
They gave me real comfort
When the real one was missing
Faking itself somewhere.
© ©Ipgirl