

Love with no boundaries
In a world where borders fade to dust,
Love dances freely, unconfined, and just.
It knows no creed, no race, nor hue,
Boundless and pure, forever true.

Across the seas and mountains tall,
Love's whispers echo, enchanting all.
It blooms in hearts, where souls entwine,
A tapestry woven, divine and fine.

Through trials and tests, it perseveres,
Defying odds, conquering fears.
No distance too great, no obstacle too high,
Love's flame burns bright, across the sky.

In every language, it sings its song,
Uniting hearts, where they belong.
For love without boundaries, knows no end,
A timeless journey, with no need to pretend.

So let us embrace this boundless love,
Gifted from the heavens, blessed from above.
For in its embrace, we find our truth,
Eternal, infinite, in love's sweet youth.
© Thabiso Dube