

Reflection of strength :A journey to self belief...
In the mirror, I see a reflection,
A girl with dreams, seeking direction.
But doubts creep in, like shadows in the night,
Telling me I'm not good enough, not right.

I hear the whispers, the voices of fear,
Telling me to stop, to disappear.
But deep within, a fire burns bright,
A voice cries out, "You can win this fight."

I won't let doubt hold me down,
I'll rise above, I'll wear my crown.
For I am strong, I am brave,
I'll silence the voices that try to enslave.

I'll embrace my flaws, my imperfections,
For they're what make me unique, my reflections.
I'll believe in myself, in my worth,
I'll conquer my fears, I'll own my birth.

So, girl in the mirror, listen to me,
You're capable of more than you can see.
Believe in yourself, hold your head high,
For you are enough, you can touch the sky...