

New York City

When I was a kid,
you taught me how to love,
you also taught me how to rise above-

You were my hero when I learned how to walk,
You are still my hero,
Even when we talk.

We speak through dreams,
And through my prayers,
But I will never forget,
How you are always there.

You took us to New York City,
Granted, I was a kid in a state so pretty.

We walked through a chaotic crowd,
Where celebrities roamed,
And the streets would grow loud.

You took my hand,
And with you I felt safe,
Because you have always been my happy place.

It was night,
And a little bit chilly,
New York City was a dream, really-
Because you were there,
Right beside me,
Taking us out to a musical to see,
Singing cats that also danced too,
What a realm of fantasy, come true.

It was the best night of my life,
Because I was with you,
I hold onto this memory that is forever in my mind,
Forever in wholly and in bind,
I love you daddy,
Our cherished memories are forever mine.

© Silky Sylph