a space empty
The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel
sometimes irritation arises
when I hear " keep it real"
stand still as my thoughts play back static
reel to reel
playback a voice.whos tone
never left me alone
a place called home
I'm one who dreams in the day
structure was always an issue
I wake up some days screaming " I miss you"
tears flood my face as I curse others grace.
the smile on my face takes up space
green grass long hair water colors with you
held my hand
silver rings were expression and design
so short on time
we never said goodbye
or farewell
it was unreal
from a boy who was lost in perception and interpretTion
a friend like you
a woman
a mom
wish we said goodbye
that's a first fucking lie
The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel
sometimes irritation arises
when I hear " keep it real"
stand still as my thoughts play back static
reel to reel
playback a voice.whos tone
never left me alone
a place called home
I'm one who dreams in the day
structure was always an issue
I wake up some days screaming " I miss you"
tears flood my face as I curse others grace.
the smile on my face takes up space
green grass long hair water colors with you
held my hand
silver rings were expression and design
so short on time
we never said goodbye
or farewell
it was unreal
from a boy who was lost in perception and interpretTion
a friend like you
a woman
a mom
wish we said goodbye
that's a first fucking lie