

6 String Love Struck

I love the way you feel when i hold you in my arms, i love every piece and part that makes up exactly what you are. From the vibration of your strings to the chords, notes, and melodies and all the songs, scales, or riffs the puppet master makes you sing.

A Childhood friend i had no interest in. If i knew what i know back then by now you would be my profession. I don't know you how i want to but i know u well enough. I Would of already had you mastered but got caught up in other stuff.

Wasted so much time but now i dedicate it to you. So when i get u in my hands again we got a lot of work to. You are one of my many hobbies that just sort of stuck. to be honest since day one ive been 6 string love struck.

© ChRiSLyNcH