

Have you felt strange things as these?

like your heart is really ripping apart
and though the threads of hope try to
suture the cuts, blood does not stop from
flowing out and each quarter of your
crumbled heart turns into blue
butterflies fluttering in the inhaled air
behind your ribs ?
like your lips are no longer
a part of your voluntary actions
and move uncontrollably , drooling
your doubts about life as whole?
like a poetry you are reading is
unsettling you and cooking up chaos
inside because you can feel the poet's
emotions emanating from each word
of his poetry, yet the poetry itself is
giving you peace in bulk because no matter
how hectic your mind was in the
beginning, your heart eventually falls for it
for it matches pace with which the poem
was written ?
like your smile has shortened by an inch
on both sides ?
like dullness is dripping from your head
flowing on your face feeling like
a lotion without fragrance?
like your mind is racing with time
and reaches the farthest age of your
lifetime and then looks back and
mocks at you?
like you are looking in the mirror
trying to know what makes you who you are?


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