

Standing at the edge of reality and disbelief,
A broken soul shivers deep,
Was torn and shattered on the reef,
Resigned to a fate unknown,
heralding pain rooted in the secret drawers of a heart irrevocaly torn.
A mind lost in wonder burning the last fuel questing for purpose from the debris
left from despiring battles.
tears and brave smiles simultaneously drowning happiness with heavy steel shackles of
choked ambitions sinking hope to decay.
abolished from sanctuary thoughts and deported to a scothing dessert of dunes and sand bereft of fertility to cultivate reason to welcome another dawning day.

All youthful zeal of dreams seeded for future hervests withering from draught seasons robbing budding growth.
Its the end of the road no foot prints in the sand to follow
Praying for death but scared to die and live in a memory of failure spoken of tomorrow;
Standing at the edge of reality and disbelief,
leaving to die but oblivious to the stinking rot of decaying believe

© luisRupende