

Scattered Dreams
In the shadows of the night, where dreams take flight,
Scattered like stardust, in the vast expanse of the night,
Whispers of forgotten hopes, in the silence they gleam,
Lost in the echoes of time, a symphony of scattered dreams.

Each fragment a story, a piece of the soul's desire,
Floating in the ether, like embers of a dying fire,
Some sparkle with promise, others fade into the night,
A tapestry of wishes, woven in the moon's soft light.

In the labyrinth of the mind, where fantasies roam free,
Dreams dance like butterflies, elusive yet to see,
They flutter and fade, like petals in the breeze,
Leaving behind a trail of memories, like autumn leaves.

But in the midst of chaos, a whisper of hope beams,
Gathering the fragments, weaving back the dreams,
For in the scattered pieces, lies a beauty untold,
A mosaic of aspirations, waiting to unfold.

So let us embrace the scattered dreams, with hearts agleam,
For in their fleeting beauty, lies the essence of our dream,
In the tapestry of life, where reality and fantasy streams,
We find the magic of existence, in our scattered dreams.
© Burdentoall