


I just gotta take a breath, these emotions are so hard,
Suicidal ideation a problem, and it's just only the start,
It loves to come like this, when I am at my most weakest,
Telling me I am nothing, and with no support I believe it,
It had me for a minute, in its web I was wrapped tightly,
Depression, my greatest foe, beats me down until I find unhappy,
And then I let myself go, I allowed myself to cry my fears out,
Reached out to a friend to help me silence the loud,
Depression told me not to, that I will only be seen as a burden,
But I had to do something, anything to stop the hurting,
Why am I like this?, I use to be so strong and I get things done,
Now it's like I can't function, imbalanced and so numb,
It told me to kill myself today, for I have no purpose here,
And I believed it, such poison whispered with fake care,
I wish I was better, stronger, but I'm broken into pieces,
Thinking I am nothing, it tells me, and thus sadness releases,
So I took some time to myself, reflect and decided to write,
It's the only thing to keep me grounded when depression comes to fight,
I figure I will always have these thoughts, but in poems I will find healing,
And do it all over again, when I am lost to all these feelings.

© C.Wynter