

My Dad's SHINE!!!
A wholesome karat, cut in a spectacular way
A kindred spirit, on its way
Tho have planted seeds in this world left behind
Did my hustle and set out the grinde

A wave of path set forth was led
To only seek to be cherished in my head
A soul which has graced many far and near
Hesitate no further, as I hold you dear

As lit as the room becomes with your presence
Stand still as the shine illuminates your essence
Forget not, I will do today & tomorrow
For your absence has filled many with sorrow

As death has been told, we only sleep
I trust you are in Gods hands, for I must not weep
I will celebrate your shine and hear the Angels sing
I am comforted, for my Dad has received his Angel wings

You are loved and will be cherished my life through
It has been a blessing, being your daughter, which I knew
So soar with Angels in the heavens so bright
I will look upon the stars for you, upon each night!

Love always your daughter

Crystal Josephine Falo

© rainbowprince