

In a world where women rise and shine,
Empowered and strong, their spirits aligned.
No longer confined by society's chains,
They break through barriers, nothing remains.

With voices loud and hearts on fire,
They ignite the flames of their own desires.
Unyielding, they stand against injustice,
Fighting for equality, never to dismiss.

Through challenges faced, they persevere,
Their resilience beyond compare.
No longer silenced, but heard and.

They lift each other up in unity,
Supporting their sisters' journey.
No longer defined by societal norms,
They redefine what it means to be reborn.

Embracing their bodies, embracing their minds,
In a world where self-love always finds.
They break down the walls that hold them back,
Creating a future where women never lack.

So let us celebrate the strength they possess,
Their bravery and passion, we must confess.
For women empowerment knows no bounds,
It's a revolution where equality resounds.