

Written words.
A page to be written and turned something that builds mountains and hills lands of untold grand.
To be inside the head of those that fled as well as stand and take the fighting stance.
On pages that drip from my fingertips worlds full of wonder of creathers taken from there woods and the humans that thought they could rule all worlds.
Don't you see the writers way?
To make you wonder and sway..
Our lives as world unfolds holds more then mortals petty gold.
But immortality at it's fullest for my words will be read and felt till the birth and death of all worlds built and bleed yet this one too will shatter and come to end.
Just becouse it was written it shall stand
As new worlds come to stand even upon this land..
Just a thought to keep you up at night in deed.
That I may pen more worlds that were built inside this head..
© Letitia Adams