

That day
I saw you that day
Sitting there with familiar faces
But with not so familiar people
In that familiar place
But With not so familiar feeling
Your eyes were shining
But maybe the reason was tears in your eyes.
Your lips were trembling
Maybe it was cold there
There, at the place you were sitting
And at the heart which was keeping you alive
And i now get back to your eyes
Cause there's so much in them
Still unsaid...still unnoticed
Maybe it's not even noticed by you yourself
And even after reading so much from your eyes,
I can also see an emptiness there
You seem to be a good person
Who's now kept in bad situations
I hope you find warmth
In your heart and in your surroundings
I hope you familiarize not just with face but with people
I hope you fill that emptiness with hope
I hope your eyes shine ...
Just not due to tears this time❤️