

I Will Wait

Oh! Joy; I Will Wait

Stanza One

The way my BP scale heights is a Guinness record event when i hear the name Joy.

I am ignited every hour with smiles unexplained just because of the reEcho Joy.

Wait! Wait! Wait!
Have you ever had assurance from a trusted source?
Yet the outcome was not as planned?
So troubled! Should I wait or not?

Stanza Two

I am tingly whenever I try to catch a dream of what the future holds with Joy by myside till eternity comes.

I am a believer who prepares so hard yet depends on Christ Jesus help for that hour when eternity calls.

But with Joy! I wish to postpone the arrival of eternity so we could be a together little longer (anomaly speaking ?).

Stanza Three

Hmm, it's true that whoever finds a wife; finds good things & obtains favour from God.

So! Christ Jesus has given me Joy; though with the constant increased BP from her jab rejection of my proposal keeps me on the fence today.

YET for integrity seek I will await this vision, it is for an appointed time STILL
I wait until she say YES to life time partnership & scholarship offered I.

This is what I understand a JoyousMarriage to be, going ahead to create ways for positive future outcomes through ChristJesus' help even while your partner still says: 'No! No! No!'

Do you know anyone like me?
Say to them: ' Just await Joy for she will surely come; only if you're source is trusted'.

I will wait oh Joy

#Poetry #Iwillwait
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