What are the things that a loving God would do?
Just like a Loving Father scolds his child and directs them to the path of right,
How a Hen gathers food for it's chicks or
How a Father will work through the trails of Chaos, that is of this world to see his child happy and satisfied
That exactly is what my God ever so loving does for me
Talk about a Man who made an image of him in me,one who knew my name right before i was formed,He that walked the path of tribulation so I can be saved,One who gave and keeps giving without asking for none in return,
I could brag about a Loving God...
How a Hen gathers food for it's chicks or
How a Father will work through the trails of Chaos, that is of this world to see his child happy and satisfied
That exactly is what my God ever so loving does for me
Talk about a Man who made an image of him in me,one who knew my name right before i was formed,He that walked the path of tribulation so I can be saved,One who gave and keeps giving without asking for none in return,
I could brag about a Loving God...