

The Last Love Letter.
You bring a glow like a fresh buttercup
You're as calming as the summer breeze
the perfume you're wearing is intoxicating
it almost brings on an unexpected sneeze.

Your innocent kisses torment my lips
you whisper sweet nothings in my ear
and just for a solitary moment in time
you've taken away my pain and fear.

You know how to keep me content and happy
you've always kept my feet on the ground
I now have the tools to deal with loneliness
especially when you are not around.

Your slender arms slowly entangle me
and you gently pull me into your breast
I could lay here with you for a life time
until my old ageing body is laid to rest.

I never thought I could be this happy
you've bought me confidence, joy and love
and now I'm sitting on my own bit of paradise
with my own bit of heaven from up above.

But we know the journey will soon be ending
let's not dwell on it, or we will start to cry
and as the sun gets taken by the clouds
we both know that I'm about to die!

So let me lay down in the shimmering grass
it's been a wonderful glorious last day
please will you hold me lovingly in your arms?
until I eventually pass away!

(From the works of Jason Carr)
© Jaycarr1971