

the feeling of helplessness
I can't help it. The feeling of helplessness. That feeling that I get when I notice the undying flames of greed, betrayal and self-centeredness that flare around in this beautiful yet pain-filled universe. The feeling that I see in the eyes of the neighborhood dog when it watches its companion—that just happens to be a cat—hop off the porch—that is too high for the little dog to jump off of—and balance against the white picket fences below it and off into the lawn, welcoming the soft grass and the feel of freedom. The feeling of helplessness that pops up when you see the person ahead of you cut off the ribbon against his waist as he crosses the finishing line with the victorious look on his face. Such feeling of helplessness just finds a way to creep into my mind and that also during the worst of times, when I'm at my lowest. When it feels like everybody else consider others more worthwhile than me. When I feel like a misfit, an outcast.
© Tshering Choden