

So many times
I would catch myself running
from the truth.
or was I running
because I didn’t know that
this was my true love.
I’ve pushed
an picked
an yelled at you,
you’re standing
strong an diligently
waiting for me.
An you had
my back before
I would even notice.
looking at you carry
me beside you,
you never
left me behind.
Even when I
didn’t think
I was the winner.
The things you
had to offer
I took for granted
being self centered
I deserved that hate letter.
never building you up
an just breaking you down
yet you are so strong cause
I didn’t hear a peep
or a sound.
I look around
taking my wrongs
out on you.
let me tell you
how you help
me grow.
you never gave up
on me
when I gave up
on myself.
I told you
my heart couldn’t
take no more
an every bad
choice I made
came back
an hit me
way harder
then before
could it be
I had to learn
to love myself before
I could share the feelings
that you had experienced in
the first part of
the true love
I almost lost
when I threw it
out like a
piece of trash
threw it in
the black bag
tied it up
an tossed it outside
the front door.
I’m sorry for being
so immature.
you’ve helped me grow
up out that black whole
an I don’t know
if I’m ever
gonna be able to
ever let you go
see that thought you
shared with me
that you had in your head
when you said
I’d be the one
in that
big pretty dress
see that’s when
I became a mess
never did I think
that someone
could love someone
so strong
an look
at me now.
just picked up
an started
spinning around.
I didn’t know
when the butterflies
would stop
an when
I’d reach the top
of that peak
I just know that
I started a new road
cause the lord up
above came to me
he said
so many things
all of the truth
I needed to hear
an now
I’m learning to share
I promise you
I won’t loose out
anymore cause
the sweet whisper
of the truth
was the reason
I ran back
to come back
to be in love with you.
because along
this road,
I realized how
I wanted to
grow with you
an not alone
that you were perfect
the way
god sent you
to me
an that
I should t
be picky
be thankful
an appreciate
cause what you
offer is way
more then love
it was everything
I’d be looking for
an it finally
got to me
an I do t
have to look
no more
that’s when
I look up
at the sky
an my eyes
filled up to cry
as I’m reaching
up to the sky
I promise
I won’t leave
you anymore
an I’m here
for good
an bad
an I’m not gonna throw you away I’m gonna hold you close to my heart
cause your
the only one
I wanna hold
dearly tight
an close
to my heart
with this being
the beginning
of a
fresh start.

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