

Deception dooms...
That mask, on your face,
isn't, really a mask,
it's a proof, of your insecurity.
Those lies, on your tongue,
aren't, merely words,
they are proof, of fallibility.

You aren't earning, pounds,
no darling !
you ain't getting, a hooked penny.
You only have, a vigilant clock
ticking by ,
eyeing, your misdeeds
making you, forever uncanny.

Your deception, is the unfastening rope,
of the curtains, enveloping, your doom.
One day, there will be no one left,
but your odd facade, and eternal gloom.

cause you ain't earning pounds
my darling... .

Just something random,
nothing, relatable. 🖤
was it intense I bet I wrote it with fire inside. 🔥

© aashvanshi writes