

let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance.

Dear Son Pay attention
listen to your father's instruction so you won't be lead to destruction.

Do not forsake your mother's teaching , they will keep your taught and action save from sins.
whenever sinners comes calling ' come with us' let take over the world 🌎, Don't pick in the blink of an eye you can lost yourself to worldly pleasure.

You will meet with a lot of varieties, people of different Nature, along side you will met wisdom always be patient when he speaks to you
what an elderly man 👨 see why sitting down a child climbing mountains to see will never understand the view.

Accepts the words and teachings of thy father and mother store them in your hearts 💞

Always pay attention to instruction
seek for wisdom when confussion takes over your reason
it will save you from unnecessary stress and relieve you from carry burden bigger than you.

Be humble 😊
Rich men beg for pen at the bank 🏦.
Be kind, no one knows tomorrow the good you do will always come back to you and the bad you do will always come back too.

keep all commandment in your heart
The road is rough and full of experiences always have lesson to share with others about the journey called life .

trust in the lord with all your heart
never lean on your own understanding
in all ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path and make all things straight for you.

Love everyone, hate no one.

