

Tried tired
Every step i made feels like i want to stop.
Every decision I make makes me drop.
I tried so hard to push and left myself up. Cheering and motivating to make at the top.

Running and Spinning wanting the feeling of winning.
Chasing and begging makes me feel the wanting
Doing the screening looking for something .
But i am tired of everything.

It's hard to look for something that i dont even know
It's hard to pretend that i'm ok but deep inside no!
My body won't move it's stuck i can't go
Even my body itself is tired of doing that so!.

There's a lot of things that are running on my mind.
Cheering or dragging? thoughts hide.
i hope everything is unknown and denied
I wish everything i heard right is all lied

How could i cheer and push myself up
if my body is tired and wants to stop
the tiredness is pulling myself to stand up
Do i really need to go at the top?

The support I needed didn't give
The support i need i didn't receive.
do they really care for all i did?
Do they really see that i succeed?
So how could i continue and proceed.
If doing that thing is nothing but unfulfilled.

Maybe its time to accept the fact and let them know
Maybe it's time to let them know that i'm tired and let me go
Honestly I did this thing to let them be proud of me though.
Because I'm even telling myself that Zalde go!
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