

Old Memories
So many days and nights
Memories of my past
Of friends and family
All of them shall last

Of love and laughter
All so very deep
Of joy and sorrow
All together we keep

And when time moves on
And all is gone
I will cherish these memories
Through thick and through thin

So please oh please
Don't ever forget
These are the moments
I will never regret

As the world turns
And the seasons change
Memories of the past
They will not be erased

Those times we spent
Together in the present
Will live on forever
In the chambers of my heart

The memories we share
The moments we experience
Through happiness and sorrow
Through joy and through strife

But as all we know
All of life is fleeting
These special times we have
Should never be deleted

As we grow older
And our memories fade
The most precious moments
Should be engraved

When the time comes
For life to end
The memories we've made
Should live on again

We may not remember
Everything that happened
But the lessons we learn
Will not be unlearned

These memories we share
In a world so cruel
Should never be forgotten
And should stay forever true

As we remember
The good times we shared
The times we laughed
The times we cried

As time moves on
And our world changes
We should never forget
Our precious memories

For they are the moments
That make life so worth living
They are what make us
Who we are right now

So let's not forget
These special times
These are the memories
That truly make life divine
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