

Pleasantly Unpleasant...
It was Stormy
Yet I sat at The Shore,
Staring at The Skies...
Waiting for You to emerge and Shine
You were My Pole Star,
Directing Me towards Good...
Picking Me Out of Woods...
But I don't get to hold Your hand now
Or cherish watching Stars with You,
As Stars are Prestine,
And You're one of them Now...
I know you're the Most luminous Star,
Smiling at Me, telling me to brace up,
And be ready to Take on the World,
Shine On My dear, Shine brighter,
You were Made for This,
You left Mother Earth early😢
But Your shine Prevails,
In the People You Loved,
Who Love You back,
And who Stare at The Skies everyday,
To see You Smiling,
Enforcing Your Presence,
It Is "Pleasantly Unpleasant "...
As Our Heart Cringes,
Cuz we wait for Sunset to See You...
But we lose You as The Sun Shines...
We get To See You
But We can't get To Hold You😔
Can it be more Pleasantly Unpleasant?

To My Beloved Elder Brother

❤© Urs Krish❤