

The Mistake I Make

Watch telly late in to AM
Wake up and put it on again
Late to bed, early to rise
A lack of concentration in my eyes

Fall down a hole, get bit by a snake
Walking in the jungle it’s the risk I take
Park my motor in the open, so no one dents the door
I get back the door is dented, don’t know what I bother for

Creep in the door, late and in a state
Been out for drinks while the other half waits
Balance that thing; it shouldn’t fall this time,
Shut my eyes when I drive across the railway line

I’m only human, can’t I make a mistake
How many chances do we all take?
Pull the plug, or start a war
Or slip and break my back on a dance floor

I’m only human, can’t I make a mistake
How many chances do we all take?
Win or lose, it’s the luck of the draw
It’s what we’ve got doctors and the blues for

Life’s a burning bridge, it’s a turning tide
Why am I sitting at the front of this ride?
I want on, I want off,
I’ve not counted the cost
I think I’ll turn over to the other side
