

The Art Of Telling 'No!'
To be gentle is the way,
But gently you can still say,
An occasional 'no',
It may seem a little rude though.

It's good to be kind to others,
But extend your kindness further,
To include yourself in it too,
As you are worthy of compassion true.

Look through the beguiling ways,
For your emotions they can hold sway,
For goodness is often taken for granted,
Leaving in you a certain bitterness implanted.

Anything that makes you weak,
If you've heard the wise one speak,
You'll reject it as poison,
Beyond all reasons.

The art of telling no,
Is something that all should know,
To nurture self-love,
For self-esteem to be allowed.

© The Silent Writer

Photo by Annie Spratt, Unsplash

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